Jillian Dirkes

Jillian Dirkes is a licensed clinical social worker and Program Manager of the Duke Smoking Cessation Program, part of the Duke Cancer Institute. She completed her graduate training in nonprofit management and clinical social work at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Ms. Dirkes oversees clinical operations of the Duke Smoking Cessation Program, […]
Steven W.M. Olde Damink

Over 20 years as a practicing surgeon with a specialty in HPB; appointments at Univ. of Maastricht & UCL-London, England Imaging, research, cellular metabolism, tissue regeneration and amino acid metabolism; designing clinical trials and biomarkers, numerous peer reviewed publications and awards.
Vinod Dasa

Dr. Dasa completed his undergraduate and medical school in the 7 year combined degree program at Union College and Albany Medical College in New York. After completing medical school, Dr. Dasa trained in the State University at New York (SUNY) at Buffalo orthopaedic surgery residency program. In 2006 he furthered his training at the Insall […]
P.J. Devereaux

P.J. Devereaux, MD, PhD, FRCP(C), McMaster University Dr. Devereaux is a cardiologist, clinical epidemiologist, and perioperative care physician. He is the Director of the Division of Perioperative Care at McMaster University. Dr. Devereaux is the Associate Deputy Director of the Population Health Research Institute. He is also the Scientific Leader of the Anesthesiology, Perioperative Medicine, […]
Simon Davies

Consultant Anaesthetist York Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Clinical commitments include anaesthesia for major surgery, and preoperative assessment. His interests include the role of exercise testing and biomarkers in risk stratification prior to major surgery, perioperative fluid therapy and the role of inotropes, cardiac output monitoring, and measuring outcomes following surgery. Strong research interests in […]
Richard Dutton

Richard P. Dutton, M.D., M.B.A., is Chief Quality Officer for USAP. In this role, Dr. Dutton leads the committee responsible for data analysis and performance measurement using the collective data and evaluations of all USAP practices to improve patient safety and clinical outcomes. Dr. Dutton is a widely recognized leader in anesthesia quality management. Since […]
Linda Denehy

Linda is the Head of the Melbourne School of Health Sciences and Professor of Physiotherapy at The University of Melbourne, Australia. In this role she overseas four allied health departments and one department of nursing. She has a joint appointment in Allied Health Research at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. Linda is Deputy Chair of the […]
John Dick

Dr John Dick
Jugdeep Dhesi

PhD FRCP Clinical lead for the innovative and award winning POPS (Perioperative medicine for Older People undergoing Surgery) service. Honorary Reader at King’s College London and Associate Professor at University College London, with research interests including preoperative assessment and optimisation, health services research focusing on perioperative pathways and postoperative delirium. Education and training role, having […]
June Davis

June Davis has 22 years’ experience working in the NHS as a Dietitian, service and professional lead, general manager for a number of service areas within the acute setting and senior project lead for several large scale change projects across London. June has over 10 years’ experience working as Head of Therapies for large acute […]