Kevin Lobdell
Kevin W. Lobdell, MD is Professor and the Director of Regional Cardiovascular and Thoracic Quality, Education, and Research for Atrium Health, Charlotte, NC, USA, as well as the Clinical Professor at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, USA. Dr. Lobdell is a Member of the American Association for Thoracic Surgery, the Society […]
Joff Lacey
Joff (Jonathan) Lacey is a registrar in anaesthesia at St George’s Hospital in London, and is currently undertaking a fellowship in Perioperative Medicine at UCLH. Having completed his medical degree at Nottingham Medical School, Joff has spent most of his career in London, but has also enjoyed several years working overseas including Australia and South […]
David Lubarsky
Dr Lubarsky earned both his Bachelor of Arts degree (1980) and Medical Doctorate (1984) at Washington University, St. Louis. He was the first graduate from their combined undergraduate ?medical school curriculum, the Scholars Program in Medicine. He completed his anesthesia residency (1987) and fellowship in Cardiovascular Anesthesia and Clinical Research (1988) at New York University […]
Denny Levett
Professor in Perioperative Medicine and Critical Care at the University of Southampton and a Consultant in Perioperative Medicine at Southampton University Hospital NHS Foundation trust (UHS). Denny leads the perioperative medicine service at UHS including a pre-operative CPET service, a perioperative anaemia service, a surgery school, and prehabilitation. Denny has extensive clinical and research experience […]
Dileep N Lobo
Dileep N Lobo, MB BS, MS, DM, FRCS, FACS, FRCPE is Professor of Gastrointestinal Surgery and Consultant Hepatopancreaticobiliary Surgeon at Queen’s Medical Centre, Nottingham, UK. He qualified from Bangalore University, India and has trained in Chandigarh, Nottingham and Leicester. He was awarded a DM degree with distinction by the University of Nottingham for his work […]
Anna Lowe
Anna is a Chartered Physiotherapist with a special interest in physical activity and healthy ageing. As Lead Allied Health Physical Activity Clinical Champion at Public Health England Anna has had a central role in a number of projects that aim to embed physical activity into healthcare. Her main area of interest is physical activity in […]
Andrew Lewington
Dr Andrew Lewington, Consultant Renal Physician, St James’s University Hospital, Leeds. Dr Lewington graduated from St George’ s Hospital Medical School before commencing training in renal medicine in Leicester. He undertook a Nephrology Fellowship at the Washington University School of Medicine, USA, where he studied the molecular mechanisms underlying ischaemic acute kidney injury. Dr Lewington […]