Gary Minto

Gary Minto trained as an anaesthetist in London, the South West, South Africa and Australia & is a consultant in Plymouth, Devon. His professional interests are in perioperative medicine: risk stratification, interventions like fluid therapy to improve outcome after major surgery and metrics to measure recovery. He is a reasonably fit ASA 1 man in […]
George Mathew

Dr George Mathew FRCA Dip ESRA is a consultant anaesthetist at University Hospital Lewisham with interest in regional anaesthesia and trauma / orthopaedics.
Gerard McCarthy

Dr Gerard McCarthy Consultant in Emergency Medicine for the last 23years, working in Cork University Hospital since 2001, Clinical Lead for the National Clinical Programme for Emergency Medicine since 2015, a member of the Steering Group for the Development of a Policy on Trauma Networks and currently a member of the Trauma Review Implementation Group […]
Enrico Minnella

Enrico is a clinical fellow in perioperative medicine at McGill University, and he is in the medical faculty of the PreOperative Program (POP), Prehabilitation Unit, Montreal General Hospital, Montreal, Canada. He completed his medical degree and his residency in anesthesia and critical care at the University of Milan, Italy. From 2015, his main interest is […]
David Krishna Menon

Prof David K Menon MD PhD FRCP FRCA FMedSci David Krishna Menon trained in Medicine, Anaesthesia and Intensive Care at the Jawaharlal Institute in India, Leeds General Infirmary, The Royal Free Hospital and Addenbrooke’s Hospital, and was an MRC Research Fellow at the Hammersmith Hospital prior to coming to Cambridge. He is Professor and Head […]
Dion Morton

Professor Dion Morton Dion received his degree in Medicine from Bristol University in 1985. He was given an honorary consultant appointment at the University Hospital Birmingham in 1996, and was appointed Professor of Surgery in 2006. He is Director of the Birmingham Experimental Cancer Medicine Centre, Director of Clinical Research at the Royal College of […]
Clare Morkane

Clare is a dual Anaesthetic and ICM registrar in the North Central Thames School of Anaesthesia. She completed a research fellowship with a perioperative medicine focus at the Royal Free Hospital; specifically prehabilitation for patients awaiting liver transplantation and complex endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. She has an interest in preoperative optimisation and CPET in […]
Colin Morkane

Dr Colin Berry MB BS FRCA Consultant Anaesthetist Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust. Exeter, UK. I have been a consultant Anaesthetist in Exeter since 1997. Prior to that I worked at University of Virginia (USA) and the Alfred Hospital, Melbourne (Australia). My post-graduate training posts in anaesthesia were in the Royal Navy, Glasgow […]
Daniel Martin

Professor Daniel Martin OBE Professor of Perioperative and Intensive Care Medicine University of Plymouth and the Royal Free Hospital, London Daniel is an intensive care physician with research interests that include human adaptation to hypoxia, microcirculatory blood flow, perioperative exercise testing and training, mitochondrial function and oxidative stress biology. He is member of the Xtreme […]
Daniel Santa Mina

Daniel’s main research interests involve the physiological, functional, and psychosocial effects of exercise for cancer survivors. In particular, his research program focuses on the role of prehabilitation prior to various cancer treatments. Dr. Santa Mina is also heavily involved in exploring implementation strategies for exercise into standard cancer care.