Obianuju Okocha

Dr. Okocha completed her medical school training, residency in Anesthesiology and Neuroanesthesiology fellowship at the University of Colorado. She is the medical director of the preoperative clinic at Northwestern Memorial Hospital, Chicago. She has numerous peer-reviewed publications, as well as abstracts and book chapters on preoperative assessment and optimization. Her interests and current research projects […]
Enda O’Connor

Enda is a physician intensivist and current ICU Lead and Education Lead in St James’s Hospital. He is the incoming chair of the JFICMI Training Committee.
Marlies Ostermann

Dr Marlies Ostermann is a consultant in critical care and nephrology at Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and an Honorary Reader at King’s College London. She is also the Research and Delivery lead for Critical Care at Guy’s and St Thomas’ and has been appointed as a clinical co-lead for our NIHR BRC’s […]
Brian O’Brien

Brian O’Brien is from Dublin and is a Consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, at Cork University Hospital, where he is Chairman of Department. He graduated from University College Dublin in Medicine, and with a Master’s degree in physiology. He completed training in anaesthesia and intensive care medicine in Ireland and in Melbourne. He […]
Pádraig Ó Scanaill

Pádraig Ó Scanaill is a graduate of the National Anaesthesia Training Programme in Ireland. He has completed postgraduate fellowships in Perioperative Medicine, Liver Transplant and Cardiac Anaesthesia in the UK. Pádraig’s interests include medical education, critical care medicine and the delivery of perioperative care to the high-risk surgical patient. Pádraig currently works as a Consultant […]
Katie O’Brien

Dr Katie O’Brien is a Marie Curie Global Research Fellow at the Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience, University of Cambridge and the University of California, San Diego. She completed her doctorate in 2017 on metabolic profile changes and effects of dietary nitrate supplementation in hypoxia at King’s College London under the direction of Professor […]
Paul Older

Dr. Paul Older, MB BS (London), LRCP MRCS (England), FRCA (England), FANZCA, FFICANZCA, FJFICM Senior Lecturer University of Melbourne Honorary Consultant Department of Anaesthesia Western Hospital, Melbourne Adjunct Professor Swinburne University of Technology Melbourne Executive Director ISEIRE Inc Head of school. 1957. Roysse’s School. Abingdon. Berkshire. U.K. Medical training: Guy’s Hospital. University of london LRCS, […]
Matt Oliver

Matt Oliver. MBChB FRCA Matt completed the MBChB at the University of Bristol in 2004 and went on to work in a variety of acute care training posts in the South West of England and South East of Australia. On returning to England in 2009 he began anaesthetic training in the London Deanery and after […]
Declan O’Brien

Dr Declan F. O’Brien