Michael Parker
Dr Michael Parker is a consultant in Intensive Care Medicine & Anaesthesia at Manchester Royal Infirmary, Manchester. He co-established a pre-operative CPET service in 2007. Research interests include improving the positive predictive value of pre-operative assessment.
James Prentis
Consultant Anaesthetist, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle-upon-Tyne James trained and graduate in King’s before moving to the North East to undertake anaesthetic training and became a Consultant Anaesthetist at the Freeman Hospital in 2012. His clinical week mainly involves hepatobiliary surgery including liver and pancreas transplantation and pre-assessment of the major surgical patient incorporating the cardiopulmonary exercise […]
Jeremy Powell-Tuck
Jeremy is Emeritus Professor of Clinical Nutrition at Barts and the London. He introduced, with John Lennard-Jones, the big bag approach to parenteral nutrition to the UK, and they were the first to send patients home on parenteral nutrition in this country. Research interests have included studies of protein turnover in critical illness, the use […]
Ian Purcell
Consultant interventional cardiologist / Clinical director of adult and paediatric cardio-respiratory medicine Cardiothoracic Unit, Freeman Hospital Graduated from Edinburgh in 1990. After house jobs in Edinburgh was appointed to medical rotation in Newcastle. Cardiology specialist training at the Freeman, Newcastle and the Royal Brompton and St George’s Hospitals, London. MD from Imperial College National Heart […]
Jaideep J Pandit
DR JAIDEEP J PANDIT, MA, BM, DPHIL, FRCA Dr Pandit is Consultant Anaesthetist and Senior Clinical Lecturer at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford (since 1999). He trained in Medicine at Oxford (1982-8), where he obtained a double First in Physiology, and obtained prizes in Medicine, Cardiology and Clinical Pharmacology. He was awarded a Wellcome Trust […]
Don Poldermans
Don Poldermans, MD, PhD, is Professor of Medicine and head of the section perioperative cardiac care of the Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Dr Poldermans received his medical degree at the Erasmus Medical Centre in 1981. His postgraduate training includes internships and residencies in internal medicine, infectious diseases, intensive care medicine, and vascular medicine […]
Chris Pollitt
Obstetric Fellow at St Thomas’ Hospital, London. Previous Regional Fellow at Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust.
Carol Peden
Carol Peden, MB ChB, MD, FRCA, FFICM, FFMLM, MPH. Professor Carol Peden MB ChB, MD, FRCA, FFICM, FFMLM, MPH is Executive Director of the Center for Heath System Innovation and a Professor of Anesthesiology at the Keck School of Medicine of the University of Southern California. She was named Harvard T. Chan School of Public […]
Azriel Perel
Prof. Azriel Perel President, Israel Society of Anesthesiologists Chairman, Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Sheba Medical Center Tel Aviv University Tel Hashomer Tel Aviv Israel
Amit Pawa
Dr Amit Pawa BSc(Hons) MBBS(Hons) FRCA EDRA Chairman of LSORA Substantive Post: Consultant Anaesthetist Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust Qualified from United Medical & Dental Schools of Guy’s & St Thomas’ in 2000. After House Officer Jobs in london and a brief stint in Emergency Medicine at King’s College London, he undertook 7 […]