Karlman Wasserman

Dr. Karlman Wasserman served as the Chief of the Division of Respiratory and Critical Care Physiology and Medicine at the UCLA Harbor Hospital Medical Center in Torrance, CA from 1967-1997, where he continues his research and teaching. He is currently Professor Emeritus on Recall at the UCLA School of Medicine. Dr. Wasserman was one of […]

Keith Willett

Professor Keith Willett is National Clinical Director for Trauma Care, Department of Health.

John West

John West obtained his medical degree in Adelaide, Australia, spent 15 years on and off at the Postgraduate Medical School in London, and has been a Professor of Medicine and Physiology at the University of California San Diego since 1969. He has a long interest in high altitude medicine and physiology and was fortunate to […]

John Whittle

Dr. John Whittle is an honorary associate professor of Perioperative medicine at University College London. Clinically he works as a consultant in anaesthesia, critical care and Perioperative medicine at University College Hospitals.  He qualified MBBS from Guys, King’s & St. Thomas’ Hospitals School of Medicine, London, in 2004. He underwent postgraduate training in Anesthesia and […]

Jonathan Wilson

Jonathan Wilson FRCA Consultant Anaesthetist at York Hospital since April 1995. Undergraduate training at St.Andrews and Manchester Universities. Anaesthetic training in the Royal Army Medical Corps, then Yorkshire Registrar and Senior Registrar rotations. My 18 years as a Consultant Anaesthetist I have had research interests in improving outcomes for high-risk surgical patients, particularly with regard […]

Howard Wakeling

Present Appointment Consultant Anaesthetist, Worthing and Southlands Hospitals, Worthing. Nov. 1999 Memberships Improving Surgical Outcomes Group, London. Perioperative Fluid Management Working Party, (GIFTASUP) London. Specialist Adviser to National Institute of Clinical Excellence Peer review for EJA, BJA, J. Clin Anesth NIAA Expert panel

Ian Wrench

Ian Wrench is a consultant obstetric anaesthetist working in the UK at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals Trust although originally from North Wales. His main non-clinical interests are research, audit, service evaluation and quality improvement. He was formally an Obstetric Association of Anaesthetists of the UK, committee and subcommittee member. He has published work on enhanced recovery […]

Greg Whyte

Professor Greg Whyte PhD DSc FACSM FBASES A former international modern pentathlete, represented Great Britain at two Olympic Games and is a European and World Championship medalist. He is an expert in the field of sports science, graduating from Brunel University; He furthered his studies with an MSc in human performance and completed his PhD […]

David Walker

David is a practicing clinician in Critical Care and Perioperative Medicine at UCLH. As a professor in the Centre for Perioperative Medicine at UCL(H) he set up and runs the Masters Programme and international clinical fellowship in Perioperative Medicine and has a research interest in the provision of high-risk surgical care.  David is Clinical Lead […]

David Whitaker

Nottingham Medical School graduate, Senior Registrar Royal Perth Hospital Western Australia, appointed Consultant Anaesthetist with an interest in Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia and Intensive Care at Manchester Royal Infirmary in 1985. Setup Acute Pain Service and developed Blood Conservation techniques. Chairman of the Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthetists (ACTA) 1996-2000. President of the Association of Anaesthetists of Great […]