Kamran Baig MD, FRCS (C-Th)
Barts Heart Centre
Kamran Baig graduated from Kings College Medical School in 1997. He completed his Basic Surgical Training at UCLH & The Middlesex Hospital. He was a Research scholar in the Cardiovascular Research Laboratories at Duke University, North Carolina, 2001-3, primarily investigating the inflammatory response to cardiopulmonary bypass during which time he was awarded the Bayer Fellowship in Blood Conservation. In 2007, he was appointed as an Academic Clinical Fellow in Cardiothoracic Surgery at Imperial College, National Heart & Lung Institute, setting up a randomized clinical trial of miniaturized cardiopulmonary bypass. His cardiothoracic surgical training was completed at Hammersmith, Royal Brompton, Harefield, London Chest and Kings. In 2014, he was appointed as a Locum Consultant Cardiac Surgeon at the Oxford Heart Centre, John Radcliffe Hospital. He worked closely with Professor Stephen Westaby, furthering his specialist interest in major aortic surgery as well as conducting research related to the publication of surgeon specific mortality data (SSMD) and its implications.
He is currently Senior Registrar at the newly opened Barts Heart Centre.