Gerald Dubowitz

Gerald Dubowitz is Professor of Clinical Anesthesia, University of California San Francisco (UCSF), Department of Anesthesia and Pre-Operative Care. He trained and worked in the UK before heading west and now divides his time between clinical anaesthesia and global health programs, currently focused in Uganda and Tanzania. He is a founder and Director of Global Partners in Anesthesia and Surgery, an academic collaboration concentrating on workforce expansion and anaesthesia/surgical capacity building in low and middle income countries.

He is the Founder and Director of the UCSF Anesthesia Global Health Program and a faculty member of the Anesthesia Department’s Division of Global Health Equity. He has published and lectured widely on topics relating to global health, especially education and workforce and has served on the Committee for Humanitarian Outreach of the American Society of Anesthesiologists and the University of California International Education Committee. He is a founding faculty member and course director of UK Diploma in Mountain Medicine (RCSEd Faculty of Pre Hospital Care).

He has worked with charitable organisations in Nepal, serving the high altitude communities around Mt Everest and has travelled widely across 7 continents. He enjoys mountaineering, climbing, skiing, mountain biking and kayaking and is an enthusiastic baker of all things sourdough.

Professor of Clinical Anesthesia, University of California San Francisco, Department of Anesthesia and Pre-Operative Care