John Moore

John is a consultant in anaesthetics and critical care medicine from Manchester, UK. He is the Clinical Head of the Division of Anaesthetics, Peri-operative medicine and Critical Care at Manchester University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust [.

He led the development of the ERAS+ programme at MRI, which successfully reduced pulmonary complications and length of stay in patients undergoing major surgery. In October 2016, John was appointed a National Innovation Accelerator fellowship from NHS England to support the further development and implementation of ERAS+ across the NHS.

He now co-leads the introduction of ERAS+ across Greater Manchester with a Spread and Scale innovation grant from the Health Foundation. Most recently John has been appointed as the Clinical Director for Prehab and Recovery for Greater Manchester Cancer and is now leading a prehab transformation program which aims to provide prehab for more than 2000 patients affected by cancer over the next 2 years.

John is interested in all aspects of preparation and recovery from major cancer treatments, including patients continuing to live with a diagnosis of cancer. He is working with colleagues locally and nationally to understand how we may continue to improve our healthcare preparation and recovery pathways for cancer and major surgery.

The GM teams are very happy to host teams in Manchester who may want to visit MFT and see Surgery School in action and show colleagues what they are aiming to achieve with GM Cancer Prehab. Please contact John below.

ERAS+ website

NIA website

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