Jonathan Ball

Dr Jonathan Ball is a full time consultant in intensive care. Since 2005, he has worked at St. George’s Hospital, which is the university teaching hospital for south west London. He works on both the general adult, and specialist neuro, ICUs. His previous clinical experience includes a critical care trauma fellowship in Australia, an aeromedical […]

Janette Brohan

Dr Janette Brohan is a medical graduate from University College Cork and an anaesthesia graduate from the College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland. She has completed postgraduate fellowships in Cardiac Anaesthesia, Obstetric Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine. In addition, she is qualified in Advanced Perioperative Transoesophageal Echocardiography and is an instructor and mentor in Focussed Intensive […]

John C Berridge

John has been a consultant in anaesthesia and critical care in York for just under a year. Prior to that he spent 21 years as a consultant in Leeds with a special interest in cardiac anaesthesia. He trained in anaesthesia, general internal medicine and intensive care up and down the East of the UK from […]

Edward Bick

Consultant Anaesthetist, Great Western Hospital, Swindon, UK I have been a consultant anaesthetist at Great Western Hospital, Swindon, for 2 years and previously a registrar in the Severn deanery. My main areas of interest are emergency front of neck access, ENT anaesthesia and blood transfusion. I worked at Charing Cross Hospital for a year as […]

Donal Buggy

Professor Donal J. Buggy Current Appointments Consultant in Anaesthesia, Mater Misericordiae University Hospital & Eccles Unit, National Cancer Control Programme, Dublin; Professor of Anaesthesia, Adjunct Clinical Faculty, School of Medicine & Medical Science, University College Dublin; Clinician Investigator, Mater-UCD Clinical Research Centre & Conway Institute for Biomedical Science, University College Dublin, Ireland; College of Anaesthetists […]

Brigitta Brandner

As a Consultant Anaesthetist at UCLH I developed a strong interest in acute and chronic pain management. I currently lead the Acute Pain Team and also overlook the inpatient chronic pain patient service at UCLH. Teaching and research form an important part of my responsibilities and make life as a consultant challenging and interesting. I […]

Bruce Biccard

Bruce Biccard is Professor and Second Chair in the Department of Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine at Groote Schuur Hospital and the University of Cape Town, South Africa. His research interests include perioperative medicine, perioperative outcomes and global surgery. He is a proponent of international collaborative research. He collaborates with the African Perioperative Research Group (APORG) […]

Anna Batchelor

Anna trained in anaesthesia and ICM and works in Newcastle upon Tyne. She is a past President of the Intensive Care Society, a past Dean of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine and a past member of Council of the Royal College of Anaesthetists. She was one of the first formal trainees in ICM in […]

Anne-Marie Bougeard

Anne-Marie is the current RCoA Perioperative Medicine Fellow, a role which she combines with ST6 Anaesthetic training in the Peninsula Deanery. She qualified from Oxford and UCL and gained experience in Emergency and General Medicine in Wessex and Western Australia. Her clinical interests include anaesthesia for elective and emergency major surgery, anaesthesia for the elderly, […]

Birgitte Brandstrup

Birgitte Brandstrup MD PhD Consultant surgeon, head of the Endoscopic Unit at The Surgical Gastroenterological Department at Glostrup University Hospital. M.D. in 1992 and Ph.D. in 2003, both from the University of Copenhagen. Specialist surgical gastroenterologist in 2009. Publications: Ph.D.-thesis, articles, letters, a book and book chapters on the subject “Perioperative fluid management” in general […]