Imogen Fecher-Jones

RNIP, MSc – Lead Nurse Perioperative Services, University Hospital Southampton Imogen is the lead nurse and project manager for the Perioperative Medicine Service and Preassessment at University Hospital Southampton. She launched the UHS ‘Fit 4 Surgery School’ in 2016 and led its transformation into a virtual patient webinar during the pandemic. Alongside her clinical role […]
Simon Finfer

Simon Finfer is a Specialist in Intensive Care at Royal North Shore Hospital and a Professor at Sydney Medical School and the George Institute for Global Health at the University of Sydney. His major academic interest is the design and conduct of large scale randomised controlled trials in critical care. He was the lead investigator […]
Roshan Fernando

Dr Roshan Fernando, Consultant Anaesthetist, University College Hospital, London, UK.
Ross Freebairn

Ross Callum Freebairn, BHB, MBChB, Dip Obs, FRCPE, FANZCA, FCICM, Ross Freebairn is a Intensive Care Consultant at Hawke’s Bay Hospital, in Hastings, New Zealand, and currently President of the Asia Pacific Association Of Critical Care Medicine, and Past President College of Intensive Care Medicine. He is an Adjunct Associate Professor at the Chinese University […]
Nick Fletcher

Dr Nick Fletcher was appointed Chair of the Institute of Anaesthesia and Critical Care at the Cleveland Clinic London in January 2019. He is involved in designing the models of care in partnership with the Ohio and London Clinic leadership. The London Hospital will open to inpatients in early 2021. Nick has been a consultant […]
Nicolai Bang Foss

Consultant, head of GI and orthopaedic anaesthesia, Hvidovre University Hospital, Denmark Main research field is the perioperative care of the elderly emergency patient. specific work in implementing optimized perioperative care in hip fracture and emergency abdominal surgery. Specific areas of research have been regional analgesia, transfusion thresholds, outreach programs and perioperative logistics as well as […]
Nader Francis

Professor Nader Francis Colorectal Surgeon at Yeovil District Hospital Vesting Professor at University of Bath Nader Francis is a laparoscopic colorectal surgeon with national and an international profile and reputation that attract patients from beyond the region. He is committed to minimal access surgery and enhanced recovery and continues to improve patient experience through an […]
Martin Feelisch

After the study of pharmacy Martin earned his PhD in pharmacology from the Heinrich-Heine University in Dusseldorf in 1988. He currently holds the Chair of Experimental Medicine & Integrative Biology, a joint MRC Strategic Appointment between the Warwick Medical School and the Warwick Systems Biology Center. Before joining the University of Warwick, he was a […]
Lee A. Fleisher

Lee A. Fleisher, MD, is Emeritus Professor of Anesthesiology and Critical Care and Professor of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine and continues to practice clinically. He is also the Founder and Principal at Rubrum Advising, LLC. He serves as a Senior Advisor of the Bipartisan Policy Center and FasterCures of […]
James French

Consultant Anaesthetist, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust (City Hospital) James’ area of interest is mostly in upper limb anaesthesia, specialising in work with the Nottingham Shoulder Unit. He maintains a general regional interest with a troubleshooting role for upper limb, lower limb and abdominal blocks, with a growing use of continuous infusion techniques. He is […]