John Kellum

Dr. John A. Kellum, MD, is Professor of Critical Care Medicine, Medicine, Bioengineering and Clinical and Translational Science, and Vice Chair for Research within the Department of Critical Care Medicine and Director of the Center for for Critical Care Nephrology at the University of Pittsburgh. Dr. Kellum received his medical degree from the Medical College […]
Justin Kirk-Bayley

Consultant Intensivist & Anaesthetist at Royal Surrey County Hospital
Henrik Kehlet

Professor Henrik Kehlet is a gastrointestinal surgeon and former professor of surgery, Copenhagen University and is now professor of perioperative therapy and Head of Section of Surgical Pathophysiology, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University. He has published more than 650 articles within perioperative pathophysiology, pain relief and surgical outcome summarized into the concept of ‘fast-track surgery’, which also […]
Evan Kharasch

Evan D. Kharasch, MD, PhD is the Merel H. Harmel Professor of Anesthesiology and Vice Chair for Innovation in the Department of Anesthesiology at Duke University School of Medicine. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Anesthesiology, the leading journal in the specialty. He is an elected member of the National Academy of Medicine (Institute of Medicine). […]
Gavin Kenny

sor Emeritus, University Department of Anaesthesia Professor Emeritus, University Department of Anaesthesia Education and Training BSc (Hons) 1970; MB ChB 1972; FRCA 1976; MD 1982; Honorary FANZCA 1997 [ 1981 Visiting Professor, Duke University 1983 Visiting Professor, University of Cape Town 1984 Visiting Lecturer, South African Society of Anaesthetists 1989 Visiting Professor, Ulm University 1992 […]
Elke Kothmann

Elke graduated from the University of Cape Town and moved to the UK in 2000. She was a consultant anaesthetist at James Cook University Hospital, specializing in Vascular Anaesthesia, before moving to the University Hospital of North Tees. She has research interests in Prehabilitation and frailty and is actively involved in education.
Brian Kinirons

Dr Brian Kinirons President, College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland
Anton Krige

I have been a Consultant in Intensive Care & Anaesthesia at the Royal Blackburn Hospital since 2005 and introduced Enhanced Recovery Programmes to the Trust in 2008, including a CPET clinic, first in colorectal surgery and subsequently all major surgery. I continue to clinically lead all ERPs locally at a strategic level. I served as […]
Attila Kett

Dr. Kett received his medical degree from the University of Pecs in September 1990. He then completed post-graduate training as a resident in Obstetrics & Gynecology in Hungary. He was a faculty member of the University of Pecs rising to the rank of Assistant Professor. He then joined Case Western University as a Postdoctoral Fellow […]
Andrew Klein

Macintosh Professor of Anaesthesia, Department of Anaesthesia & Intensive Care, Royal Papworth Hospital NHS Trust Cambridge. Editor in Chief, Anaesthesia