James Davis

James Davis, MD Director Duke Smoking Cessation Program Dr. James Davis is a practicing physician of Internal Medicine at Duke University and leads the smoking cessation program within Duke Peri-Operative Medicine. He serves as Medical Director of the Duke Center for Smoking Cessation where he serves as investigator on multiple tobacco treatment trials, serves as […]
James Durrand

James is the currently an ST4 in the Northern School of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care. He qualified from Manchester University in 2011. Following an academic foundation programme in the North East he has completed an NIHR academic clinical fellowship in anaesthesia alongside ACCS and higher speciality training in anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine. He is […]
Gerald Dubowitz

Gerald Dubowitz is Professor of Clinical Anesthesia, University of California San Francisco (UCSF), Department of Anesthesia and Pre-Operative Care. He trained and worked in the UK before heading west and now divides his time between clinical anaesthesia and global health programs, currently focused in Uganda and Tanzania. He is a founder and Director of Global […]
Gerard Danjoux

Professor Gerard Danjoux (MBBS, FRCA) Consultant in Anaesthesia and Sleep Medicine South Tees Hospitals at South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (2002 to date) Clinical Lead for South Tees Prehabilitation implementation and strategy Graduated: Newcastle University (1989) Anaesthetic training: Northern Deanery (1992 – 2002) Fellowship training: Australia (1998/9) and Canada (2000/1) Clinical interests Preparation and […]
Giorgio Della-Rocca

Prof. Giorgio Della Rocca is full Professor and Chair of Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine of the Medical School of the University of Udine at the University of Udine, Udine, Italy He is in charge as Director and Chief of Anesthesia and Intensive Care of the University Hospital “Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria ” of Udine, and […]
Claire Dowse

Claire Dowse Consultant Anaesthetist University Hospitals Bristol I was appointed as a Consultant at UHBristol in 2010 following anaesthetic training in Wessex and Bristol. My sub speciality areas are Obstetric anaesthesia and preoperative assessment and I have been Lead Clinician for our Preoperative Assessment Clinic since 2012. I spent three years as a medical SHO […]
Daniel Dumitrescu

Daniel Dumitrescu, Physician, Herzzentrum der Universität zu Köln, Klinik III für Innere Medizin Daniel Dumitrescu finished his medical training in 2006. From 2006 to 2007, he was a postdoctoral Research Fellow at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center in Torrance, California, under the supervision of Prof. Karlman Wasserman. Since 2008, he has been working as a physician and […]