World Congress of Prehabilitation Medicine 2023 

LIVE in London

04 - 06 July 2023

Broadcast by TopMedTalk

days until World Congress of Prehabilitation Medicine 2023 

Meeting Chairs

  • Professor Mike Grocott
  • Professor Denny Levett
  • Professor Monty Mythen
  • Professor Gerrit Slooter

Booking T&Cs

Virtual Tickets

Book virtual ticket

Virtual tickets are now available to buy!

Please select virtual ticket in the dropdown menu to purchase for £50

This gives you access to all three days and the ability to rewatch for up to 30 days.

After you have purchased your ticket you will see a DOWNLOAD button on the confirmation page – click here to download the link information. You will also be able to download this information from your My Account tab (top of page) or via the confirmation email you are sent. 

If you have any question please contact the EBPOM Admin team on


Download Day 1 -Day 3 agenda by clicking the button below:

Sessions this year include:

  • What is prehabilitation?
  • ERAS, POM and Prehab: past present and future
  • The Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Perioperative Care
  • Mechanisms of Prehabilitation